Adeodat Warfield

For this weeks posting I’m going to be talking about a composer who calls himself Adeodat Warfield. I came across one of his songs called “Across the Night Sky” watching a skateboard video and I was hooked on his sound. After a few searches I found out the song was written by the mysterious man who called himself Adeodat Warfield. When I found his YouTube channel I got excited because he had just over 1,000 subscribers which means he is still relatively unknown. One of my favorite things to do when I find an unknown artist is to dig. I like to find out everything about them, what there name is, where they’re from, what they make their music with, anything I can find out about them.

Ryan Sublette is the man behind the mystery of Adeodat Warfield. There is not one interview of Ryan

ryananywhere on the internet I could find. And when I tried to click the contact button on his Bandcamp page, it was not clickable. However I was able to find out a few things. He was born July 1986 in Columbia Missouri and is most likely still there because he latest release on Bandcamp (released October 11th, 2013) said it was recorded in Columbia. Not only is Ryan an incredible composer who is pumping out songs almost bi-weekly, he is also an incredible skateboarder. When I was researching Adeodat Warfield and came across his real name I found out that he was a pretty well renown skateboarder. In fact, when you type in Ryan Sublette into Google, it solely comes up with a collection of his skate videos.

Ryan’s sound is like a time warp from the ’80s with a new era tone to it. I’ve recently looking into a lot of lo-fi sounding tunes that sounds inspired by the ’80s and early ’90s. Sublette produces his music on various different synthesizers and drum machines.  Sublette tags his songs on Soundcloud as “synth pop” which accurately describes most of his songs. In many of his songs there is a high pitched sounding voice that almost sounds like a male voice with effects added to it. I haven’t found anything in my search that says it is him singing but it would be interesting to find out. Perhaps I’ll edit this post if I find anything out in the coming months. With other forty songs on his Soundcloud and twelve (non funded) albums released on his Bandcamp there is still much listening to be done. I will post some videos and songs below for your viewing and listening pleasure!

The song that hooked me.

Sublette also composes under the name “Software Blonde” here’s a catchy tune…

Here is one of his parts from a skate video. This guy does not mess around…

Bandcamp Page




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